Welcome to Swap Engineering

Swap Engineering is a leading, worldwide Environmental services provider to industrial and government clients — delivering sustainable environmental solutions to meet compliance, business, and operational needs. Our experienced environmental management staff addresses client projects across the full business life cycle — from asset planning, development, and operations, to product integration and facility compliance, to site remediation, restoration, sustainability, and reuse. Our solutions balance complex technical, regulatory, business, and stakeholder issues to produce measurable value and cost-saving approaches for our clients. Our services are delivered by experienced environmental professionals.

• WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS | By treating wastewater, SE helps to protect water resources, spur the economic growth of cities, and improve quality of life.

• CHALLENGES | Wastewater treatment services fall under the responsibility of public authorities. Critical to public health and environmental balance, wastewater treatment needs to be stepped up in a world in which 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation.

• TREATMENT | The process deployed by Swap Engineering to preserve the quality of water involves three key steps.

• COLLECTION | This is done through a wastewater collection system consisting of a network of pipes. This conveys the wastewater to the treatment plant. Collection systems are maintained regularly (cleaning, monitoring, etc.) to prevent blockages and corrosion.

• TREATMENT | The way that the water is dealt with at a wastewater treatment plant is based on its degree of pollution and the legislative standards governing its discharge into the environment.

• DISCHARGE | After processing at a treatment plant, the water is returned to the natural environment in a way that does not adversely impact environmental balances.

We are committed to providing the g latest technology and solution through Environmental engineering for effective Pollution Control. To upgrade the system and create an infrastructure to provide an upgraded environment. pollution control system & equipment. To create an informative system on effective pollution control by following the latest technology in environmental Engineering & to provide awareness and techno-Commercial solutions for pollution Generators. To do continual improvement in our system and product by following Quality Management System effectively.

We believe in teamwork and look forward to achieving success in all work challenges. To achieve success in any work we need better skills and the best team with proper coordination, and we follow such rules and we have successfully made our products with high-quality standards, withstand international quality standards.
